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Our front page has a map showing the location of the Heritage Centre - opening times for the next few days can be found here.

Heysham is an area of land on the Morecambe Bay side of the Heysham peninsula. Heysham Head has the only sea cliffs between Cumbria and North Wales, and the adjacent coastal strip is largely unspoilt.

The beautiful village of Heysham retains many of its stone-built cottages dating back to the 17th century. The church of 
St. Peter’s has a stunning location, overlooking Morecambe Bay, and nearby on the headland, can be found the ruins of St. Patrick’s Chapel dating from about the 8th century. The headland itself is managed by the  National Trust and access is free.


Heysham Harbour is about a mile south of the village and from there are daily ferry services to the Isle of Man operated by the   Isle of Man Steam Packet Company.

South of Heysham is the old village of Overton and further across a salt marsh road, blocked for part of the day on high spring tides, is the remote hamlet of  Sunderland Point, where the most visited site is Sambo’s Grave. An account of Sunderland Point was published by HHA i The Heysham Peninsula (2000); it is available as a download pdf: click  here. The cover of The Heysham Peninsula features the watercolour painting of part of Sunderland Point by William Wells with permission.

North of Heysham lies Morecambe, the best way to journey there is by foot or bicycle along the prom, admiring the great view across the bay. There are also frequent buses to both Morecambe and Lancaster from the village (even more frequent ones from Heysham Road) - see for a live map.

See our Links page for information on other nearby places of interest.